the authors whose books I read.
Still, it always surprises me
when someone asks me about
how I grew up, what made me
decide to become a writer,
why I write children’s books
and all kinds of other questions
about me and my writing.

The newest, most comphrehensive, up-to date edition of It’s Perfectly Normal, Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, Gender and Sexual Health was published May 18, 2021! It’s full of new information and art for all preteens and teens, no matter who you are. I along with the amazing artist Michael Emberley are so excited that this edition is finally availbale to whomever wishes have our book.
Perfectly Normal Information Sheet
WHO? A Celebration of Babies, illustrated by the endearing art of Natascha Rosenberg, is the first of two early board books I have written. Both are intended for very young babies, older babies, and toddlers. WHO? is all about the beloved people, pets, AND objects in an infant’s day-to-day life. The book features all kinds of babies, even a set of twins. Cuddle up with an infant or toddler. Read or sing this story and have a special time together as you both hear the words, look at the art, and discover “WHO? WHO’S THAT?” each time a page turns.
My second board book, LOOK! Babies Head to Toe is beautifully illustrated by Anoosha Syed, introduces our youngest children, our infants and toddlers, to many parts of their bodies. It is filled with fun, repetitive sounds and a melodic voice that names body parts from head to toe along with illustrations that are bound to engage and delight infants and toddlers. We just bet that LOOK! will also captivate adults when sharing it with babies and toddlers. Do check out this helpful note card full of ideas on how to share LOOK! with infants—even young infants—and toddlers. Here is the link to the note card: abramsbooks.com
NOW WHAT? A Math Tale is the second of two early math picture books I have written and Chris Chatterton has illustrated. Our first early math book was CRASH! BOOM! A Math tale. Our second early math book, NOW WHAT?, is the story of Puppy, who wants to build a bed out of blocks, one that is wide enough and long enough for a snooze. But when Puppy discovers that aren’t enough rectangles, squares, and triangle blocks to build a bed, Puppy laments “NOW WHAT?” Build, measure, count, compare! Join Puppy, who discovers a myriad of math concepts along the way and tries again and again and again and finally succeeds and figures out how blocks of different shapes and sizes can fit together to build a bed that’s just the right size for a snooze.
Do check out this TERRIFIC TIP CARD. Although this was written for teachers, these tips also give parents and caregivers some ideas when reading to and sharing NOW WHAT?! with a young child.
CRASH! BOOM! A Math Tale is the first of two early math picture books I wrote with art created by the amazing Chris Chatterton. This is the story of Elephant who has a bucket of blocks and wants to build something tall. Something as tall as Elephant. But will it stay up? CRASH! BOOM! Not this time. Build it again? One block. Two blocks? Four blocks? It’s still not as tall as Elephant. More blocks! Now will it stay up? Now will it be as tall as Elephant? Build, balance, count—question, estimate, measure—predict, crash, and build again! Young children will happily follow along as Elephant goes through the ups and downs of creating something new and finally celebrates the joy and pride of success.
Do check out this TERRIFIC TIP CARD. Although this was written for teachers, these tips also give parents and caregivers some ideas when reading to and sharing CRASH! BOOM! with a young child.

Thrilled that this newest version of artist Michael Emberley’s and my book will be published this fall for children roughly ages 7 to age 9 or so. As we all know, children in this age-range have more information and questions than ever before. Our book gives them accurate and the most up-to-date and truthful information that answers almost every question they may have.
It’s so exciting for me that a new artist has finished creating the art for a new picture book of mine to be published in early spring 2022. This magnificent fine artist, who has never illustrated a children’s book, has just the right sensibilities when it comes to portraying children, a beautiful sense of color, and so much more that he brings to his work. The art he has created art for this book will captivate not only young children, but those of all ages. Stay tuned.
More exciting news! I have signed a contract for a new picture book. This magnificent artist will begin creating the art for this book soon. It will be published in fall 2022. Stay tuned for more information.
I am in working on a new nonfiction book that is under contract for kids roughly age ten and up on a current topic that affects each of us, including preteens and teens. The topic is daunting, constantly changing and challenging. A tough challenge is what keeps me rewriting and collecting new source material almost each and every day. The best part of my research so far has been interviewing kids ages nine to fifteen about the topics in this book. Today’s kids have tons to say and do not always agree with one another. But they are the driving force of this book that keeps me working on this book and thinking about it almost 24/7 each and every day. Stay tuned.
I am continuing to work on a new picture and board book ideas. I find myself working on some of my ideas an hour at a time, every few days or so. As ideas pop into my head, I write notes, and more notes. Ideas don’t stop popping into my brain. Who knows which idea will turn into a new book I will write in the future? For me, the hard part is the actual writing. But no complaints. Writing and figuring out the story, even though I find that so hard to do, is what I love doing.